Chef Matt O’Neill creates elegantly simple dishes—made with honest excellence, playful creativity, and spirited hospitality.


Chef Matt O’Neill approaches all of his projects with a passion for celebrating of-the-moment cuisine, focusing on the integrity of regional ingredients at their peak, serving the dishes alongside the finest wines and spirits, and focusing on excellent service and presentation. His blend of creativity and resourcefulness comes to light through eclectic, yet well curated menus, using what’s available in each season to it’s best potential.

Matt’s kitchens are respectful, open, and well run, leading to a sense of positivity in every member of the staff, and translating into the experience of each guest. He’s not afraid to celebrate his team, step out of the kitchen and interact with guests, or take creative risks with presentation that surprise and delight.

Through founding Cr(eat)e Restaurant Consulting, Matt brings his expertise to the industry through consulting with new and existing restaurants and hospitality concepts alike. Not only does he consult on culinary aspects of the business, like menu and recipe creation, but also the operational elements including physical and concept design, kitchen space planning and flow, guest experience design, business strategy, and more.

At the end of the day, every element of Chef Matt’s approach — whether it’s the ingredients in a dish, the synergy of the team, or an exchange of words — is infused with excellence and integrity.


we are playful

It shows in the way we approach cooking, the way we present dishes and the way we treat our guests. Our flavors are bold, our compositions are creative, and your experience with us will be a memorable one.

we are epicurean

Our dedication to classically inspired techniques and excellence in execution is amplified by our constant search for the freshest ingredients from the finest local sources.

we are thoughtful

From sourcing ingredients to plating a dish to the moment we hand you back your coat, we’re thinking about your best possible experience. We’re committed to serving you an unforgettable meal, and we think you’ll find that we’re well prepared to do so.